Wednesday, 28 October 2015



Welcome to "The Home That Teresa Built"

My name is Teresa. And this is my blog. And this is me:

Here you will find lifestyle and home, along with some beauty and other bits and bobs chucked in there.

Let me give you a brief outline of my life at the moment.

- I am 23 years old (24 in December) and I work as a supervisor at a very well-known restaurant chain.

- I have acquired a house. I'll go into how, when and why in future blog posts. But I have acquired a 2 bedroom house that needs some serious redecorating and remodelling. Which I am all attempting to do myself, along with some help from my family and boyfriend,

- This blog will mainly be used to track my progress through the whole house. It's going to take a while, so expect a lot of posts.

- I have two beauiful little doggies. Millie, 5, a miniature Jack Russell. And Tilly, 6, a King Charles Cavalier cross Jack Russell. (We think!)

That's pretty much my life at the moment.

Enjoy my upcoming posts!

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